
For many students, asthma impacts their day-to-day activities. Some have mild asthma with very minor problems and some students will need medication on a daily basis and frequently require additional medication at school. ENPS is committed to:

  • Providing, as far as practicable, a safe and supportive environment in which students diagnosed with asthma can participate equally in all aspects of schooling
  • Actively involving parents/carers of each student diagnosed with asthma in developing management strategies for the student.

Ensuring all staff members are trained to assess and manage asthma emergencies In accordance with guidelines form Victorian Department of Education and Training, all students with asthma are required to have an Asthma Foundation of Victoria’s Asthma Care Plan for Schools Action Plan completed by their medical practitioner and copy provided to the school. Ventolin cannot be administered without a child's Asthma Plan, signed by a doctor updated annually.


NOTE: Students with Asthma require medical plans:

  • Asthma Plan signed by a doctor updated annually
  • All medications (EpiPen; Ventolin) are provided by parents and carers; expiries are checked and replaced regularly

*Please speak with our first aid officer if you have any concerns regarding your child’s plan.