Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
Term 2
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
Term 2
In the Kitchen
In the Kitchen team work and communication are essential for success and the Grade 3 and 4 students have demonstrated their skills in both areas. Half of the students have successfully cooked INDIAN FLATBREAD and BEETROOT RAITA. (due to the cross Country the other half will do this next week).
Check out these recipes on the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden website:
Beetroot Raita
Indian Flatbread
Some lucky staff were able to taste our efforts and they thought both dishes were YUMMY
In the garden
Potting up the Woolworths Discovery pots remains high priority at the moment as our seedlings have really taken off. If you have any medium sized plant pots that you don't need any more, send them along and we will use them to repot these seedlings.