Art room news -  Term 2 2021

Birds of a feather........

Foundation and Grade One students are adding the final touches to their Colourful Birds. Our clay joining skills were put to the test when we had to remember to "scratch and slip" to make sure our eyes, beaks and wings stayed put. After the birds were fired in our brand new kiln, we added our bright colours with oil pastels then 'washed' our birds in watery black paint to bring up all the the details and textures. We enjoyed threading and twisting pipe cleaners to add lots of character to our birds. When we finished our making, we drew our birds to show the colours and shapes we make. Look how proud we are of our birds!   

ANZAC Poppy Garden

Our ANZAC Poppy Garden has grown!

Grade Three to Six students have enjoyed using a limited palette of red, black and yellow to paint their fired poppies to make them look real! Once painted, students selected a part of the garden in which to display their poppy. Next time you are at Mullum, be sure to pop by and see the garden for yourself. The splash of red in the garden is quite a sight to behold. Well done students! Your artwork has made such an impact to the landscape of our school.





Don’t forget to check out our virtual gallery on Instagram @mrs.lawn’s.artroom