Start of year key information

Adjustment to bell times

During 2018 we have been reviewing the structure of the school day to ensure that our bell and finish times facilitate a calm and productive learning environment. As a result of consultation with students, staff and School Council, we will be making the following slight adjustments to the organisation of the day:

  • Lunch break to run for 45 minutes each day (it is currently 45 minutes on a Wednesday, and longer on other days)
  • Shortened 'warning bell' times (to 5 minutes) at the end of Recess and Lunch
  • Finish time at 3.11pm rather than 3.21pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (remains at 3pm on Wednesdays)

Instructional time (period numbers and lengths) remain the same as in 2018. The adjusted bell times are pictured below:

Bell times 2019
Bell times 2019

Return dates for students

As in previous years, we will run a staggered start to the school year. This allows for a smooth orientation to new classrooms, spaces and year levels. 


For all students, the first day will commence with a Year Level Assembly, then with time in their Connect class before commencing their timetabled subjects. Students will be directed to the relevant areas for their assemblies on arrival at school. They should arrive by 8.45am on their first day to give themselves plenty of time to find their assigned location. 


Students will be able to check their timetable on Compass the day before school starts. They should endeavour to bring the books and equipment required for their subjects on that day, or at a minimum, suitable pens and paper, plus their school-approved padlock. We will be assigning lockers during their first two days. 


The first day for students is:

Year 7, 11* and 12 (VCE + VCAL students): Thursday 31 January

Year 8, 9 and 10: Friday 1 February


* Any Year 10 students who are doing Year 11 subjects should check their Compass timetable prior to January 31. If they have a Year 11 subject scheduled on January 31, they should attend for that class.

Booklists and Uniform

A reminder that booklist items should be ordered through Campion books prior to the end of 2018 using this link


If your child needs a device for 2019, the school has negotiated with a educational device supplier who can offer competitive pricing and robust devices. The online ordering portal can be accessed here


The on-campus uniform shop will be open on January 23 from 10am - 3pm; and January 31 from 8am - 4pm. Normal opening hours will resume on Friday 1 February.  Uniform can also be purchased from the Noone Imagewear East Ivanhoe retail store (Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturday 9am - 1pm).   Remember that in 2019, all Year 7s will need to wear the new uniform. Students in Years 8-12 may wear a combination of the new and the old uniform.