Congratulations class of 2018
Another year of outstanding VCE results
On Friday 14 December, Year 12 students received their VCE results. We are very proud of our class of 2018. This was a cohort that demonstrated determination, a commitment to hard work, creativity and a strong community spirit. Their results in the VCE, as well as their achievements in the VCAL and VET programs, and the stories of individual progress, resilience and success, have given them an excellent path to future learning and exciting opportunities ahead. We look forward to sharing stories of their chosen pathways in the new year.
Some highlights of the 2018 results:
- Dux: Kiarash Nikoo, with an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 99.2
- 15 students with an ATAR above 95
- 38% of students with an ATAR above 80
- 56% of students with an ATAR above 70
- Median ATAR of 73.6
- 3 Perfect Study Scores (in Biology, Further Mathematics, Chinese)
- 86 Study Scores over 40 (this score puts students in the top 9% in the state in that subject)
Stories of success
The highest ATAR (99.2) was achieved by Kiarash Nikoo.
Dux Proximus was Wen Dan Xiao, with an ATAR of 97.7.
Other students achieving the top ten ATAR scores at NHS were:
Marlon Bargh 97.45
Ying Ni 97.1
Kate Owen 96.6
Maxwell Ellis 96.45
Timothy Butler 96.2
Rowan Stewart-Smith 96.1
Eva Jordens 95.95
Esther Bentley 95.75