From the Principal

We have all been very fortunate that our community remains safe during these challenging times. For us at school, we have experienced some disruptions with activities or events being cancelled or postponed but we remain optimistic and thankful that necessary changes to our schedule and routines have been limited.


We are busy re-scheduling some events that have not been able to take place in the last week or two. We are also re-evaluating the conditions of some events in terms of social distancing for indoor venues and other COVID safe conditions. We will publish any necessary changes through the school calendar.


Some of our students and their families experienced a few days of home learning and while it is not ideal, we can now all confidently say ‘we’ve got this’! 


Well done to our students, parents and teachers for transitioning so well to QDL where necessary; but it’s certainly great to be back to business as usual. 


Carmel Spry
