Principal's Message
I hope you enjoy the upcoming extra long weekend with friends and family. Students don't attend school this Friday, and will return on Tuesday 8 June. Staff however will be at school on Friday to participate in professional development, which supports student and school achievement.
NAPLAN testing went as planned during week 4, with all students in year 3 and 5 being tested in literacy and numeracy. Our students were well prepared, using tablet and laptops to complete all testing. Results and reports normally reach the school mid to late term 3. Thank you Mr Malanczak for leading NAPLAN and supporting staff and students to access the online testing with ease.
Reconciliation Week
May 27 to June 3 is Reconciliation Week. I recognise the resilience and continuity of cultural and education practices of Aboriginal people across WA, and acknowledge their Elders: past, present and emerging. The theme of this year's National Reconciliation Week is "More Than a Word - Reconciliation Takes Action". As a school, we acknowledge that we need more action to occur to better respect, understand, support and celebrate our local and wider Aboriginal community. We have advertised for an Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer. The successful applicant will guide and lead us to create a sustainable action plan moving forward. This will be shared with you all.
I had the pleasure of umpiring the football team last Friday against Dalmain Primary School, and was so impressed by our students sportsmanship, care and kindness to each other and the other team. I was really proud of our students efforts, and not one complaint to the umpire! Well done to Mrs Allen for her great organisation of all 5 games.
Semester One Reporting
Our staff are busy assessing students against the West Australian Curriculum and writing student reports. I encourage any parent or carer that would like to discuss how your child is going, to please contact the classroom or specialist teacher to make an appointment.
School Business Plan
Behind the scenes, the School Board and our leadership teams have been working on our next Business Plan. This will be endorsed by the Board at our next meeting later this term and I look forward to sharing it with you all shortly.
Grounds and Buildings Improvement Subcommittee
Mr Mike Rowston and Mrs Carolyn McDowell will be working with me soon to create another two year plan focusing on continual improvement around our classrooms, grounds and other areas such as the library. Members of the School Board and P&C, will see the final plan next term. I again encourage any parents with a building/ grounds type skills, to make contact with me. We are always looking for help to get small projects done by members of our school community. Your kids will love that you're involved and made something!
P&C Fundraiser Free Dress Day
Come along to school next Friday 11 June in free dress. We won't have a theme just wear whatever you like but do take into account the weather and dress accordingly. Don't forget your gold coin for the privilege of leaving your school uniform at home.
Have a wonderful long weekend and I look forward to seeing you at the gate, around the school or at the next assembly in week 9- the Year 2/3 Kangaroo's.
Taylor Webb