Mission and Identity 

Mass Celebrating 200 Years of Catholic education in Australia

  • Mass Celebrating 200 Years of Catholic education in Australia
  • Reconciliation Assembly
  • Chapel Mass
  • SPX Winter Appeal:  Supporting St Vincent de Paul and Jesuit Refugee Services

Mass celebrating 200 Years of Catholic education in Australia

On Monday 24 May, the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, the Catholic Education community of Chatswood gathered to celebrate the significant milestone of 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia. The Year 12 students of Mercy College and St Pius X College, along with Stage 3 from Our Lady of Dolours Primary School gathered in the church, while the remaining students joined in via a live stream in homerooms, that we have become so accustomed to. Fr David Ranson, Parish Priest explained to all present, and tuned in, that we have much to be thankful for given the hardships of the early days. With limited funds and the effort of religious orders, such as the Christian Brothers and Mercy Sisters, Catholic Education has been able to survive from its humble beginnings in Parramatta. Today Catholic Education flourishes across Australia with over 750,000 students and over 100,000 staff. The 200 Year Anniversary calls us to consider where we are headed, with the theme of the celebrations being “Faith in the Future”.

Reconciliation Ceremony

We look forward to Monday’s Reconciliation ceremony that will take place in the Junior School playground. Please be sure to look out for photos in next week’s Woodchatta.

Chapel Mass

This Monday coming, 31 May, St Pius X College will host its next fortnightly Chapel Mass. Mr Brannan’s Year 9 RE class will host the occasion.  Students are welcome and encouraged to gather at the Chapel stairs at 7.50 am on Monday.

Mr Nathan Mulheron - Assistant Principal, Mission and Identity

SPX Winter Appeal: Supporting St Vincent de Paul and Jesuit Refugee Services

This week marks the start of our annual SPX Winter Appeal, with the College collecting goods for St Vincent de Paul and Jesuit Refugee Services. In this difficult time, those in need have found themselves pushed further onto the fringes of society, with many volunteer organisations not able to cater for those who are less fortunate. Students are encouraged to consider the plight of those around us, and to act by 'giving to the poor in handfuls'.

Driven by Year 9, the Appeal will run from Monday, 24 May until Thursday, 10 June (Week 8, Day 4). Student volunteers will be collecting goods during Homeroom. We are in need of the following items:

Thank you in anticipation of your generosity.

Mr Ryan Balboa - Social Justice Coordinator