Principal's News

Dear Parents/Carers

I have written in this newsletter in the past about the thousands of good things that happen in our school every day. Unfortunately our kids have a set back from time to time and that can be the only thing that poor old Mum and Dad hear about. I was made aware of a good deed this morning that I thought worth sharing.

A couple of weeks ago, an album of footy cards went missing from one of the corridors where a young boy in Grade 5 had left it during class. I addressed all of the children and suggested that the person who had taken the album would probably, by then, be feeling quite guilty about their crime of opportunity and offered to help them feel better. All they needed to do was bring the album  to me so that I could return it to its rightful owner. To me, the courage and honesty it would take to bring it back would outweigh the damage done by taking the album in the first place.

Unfortunately, as of today, the album has yet to be returned…

However, I was stunned when told this morning that another classmate of the young boy who lost his footy cards, told his Mum that he would like to use his own money to replace his friend’s album and then went through his own footy card collection, finding all his double ups to populate the new album for his mate.

Wow! See what I mean about good things? That story made my day. I hope it makes yours.


VALUES FOR LIFE Last night 18 parents from Grade 5 & 6 came out in the cold to hear an excellent presentation from Tim from “Values For Life” regarding the dangers that drugs and alcohol pose for young people. Tim has experience as a teacher, a counsellor in the Juvenile Justice System and as a parent and is always worth listening to. He worked today with both Grade 5 and 6 students. Hopefully it provokes some discussions at home with parents as our senior students enter the tricky teenage years.


CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK Next week we celebrate Catholic Education Week, and with the Catholic School systems across Australia, this year we commemorate 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia.

The theme this year is “Faith in the Future”.

We have a few special events planned for next week to mark the celebration. Please see our Religious Education Leader, Julie’s report on today’s newsletter.

One important event will be our first HOT DOG DAY  since 2019!!!


CANTEEN RETURNS Whilst on the subject of lunch, I am pleased to announce that we can offer Canteen lunches to the children again commencing this Friday.

For families who are new to our school, lunch orders can only be placed on a Friday. Please write the child’s name, class and order on to the front of a brown paper lunch bag. Please place the correct money wrapped in foil or in an envelope and place inside the bag. CHANGE CANNOT BE GIVEN. Children should place their orders into their classroom basket by 9:00am ready for collection to be taken to Triggy's Corner Store”.  Please note lunch orders can not be taken directly to Triggy's, they must go through the school. 

An up to date price list and menu is included with today’s newsletter.


CONTACT DETAILS Could parents please remember to update Contact Details here at school when changing address, employment, phone numbers or email addresses. Being able to contact you in an emergency is extremely important to us.