Prep - Year 2

Assistant Principal's Report

Scott McKinnon

What a wonderful few weeks it has been at the Springs. In Prep we have been learning to read words beginning with the letters e, q, and z, and identifying words that rhyme.  We have continued our narrative focus and have also enjoyed a language experience by participating in a running race. In Mathematics we have been learning to continue patterns and work with teen numbers.  Also, we were lucky enough to go on an excursion to the Cranbourne Gardens to introduce our Indigenous studies for Inquiry. This work will include identifying the traditional owners of the land and the meaning of the Indigenous flag. 



In Year 1 students have continued their narrative focus and have worked on building interesting sentences that include characters, settings and the 5W's (who, what, where, when, why).  In Mathematics students have concentrated on making and partitioning numbers using place value.  Students have enjoyed using a range of concrete materials including unifix, sticks, mini bracelets/beads and cubes to help their understanding.  They have also enjoyed songs to help them learn like the one in the following link: 


(A warning, it's catchy)


In Year 2 students have been learning to make predictions as they read.  Check out a common poster we use in our classroom here at PSPS for further explanation.

In Writing, students have been planning in further detail the events of their narratives including describing a problem, resolution and ending.  Students have also enjoyed reading a range of narrative texts and focusing on using figurative language such as onomatopoeia in their sizzling starts. 


Check out a few from J27 below:


"Zzzzzz, Anabella was sleeping in her nice cozy bed." - Bayleigh

 "Bang! Hayden woke up." - Issy


"Crack, crack. What is that? Why does it have black wings?" - Abrielle

"Vroom, vroom! The yellow bus came rushing down the street." - Matilda


In Mathematics students have been learning to identify the missing element in a number sentence to solve an equation and to identify and continue number patterns.


I hope all the mums, grandmothers and carers out there enjoyed a happy Mother's Day. We are all looking forward to seeing you all for Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews next week.  Until then, enjoy the weekend. 




Scott McKinnon

Assistant Principal (Junior School)