Senior School

In many family cars on the way home from school, or perhaps at the kitchen bench in the afternoon a similar scene takes place. Parents ask their teenage children, “How was School?” to which children reply, “Good.” Many diligent parents follow up with “What did you learn today?” to which many children reply “Maths,” or “English.” It is my firm belief that learning is both about what we learn, and how we are changed by our learning. As Term 1 draws to a close in coming days, I encourage parents and carers to challenge their children by asking a different question. “How have you been changed as a person by your learning this term?” My experience of asking children and young people this question over many years is instructive. Many are initially be flummoxed, but with a little prompting will slowly realise that in studying Mathematics, they have become more logical thinkers. By studying the motivations of Shakespearean characters in English, they have become more empathetic people. 


Holidays at Blue Mountains Grammar School are well-earned, with both students and teachers deeply engaged both in their learning and in our extensive co-curricular programs. I encourage our Senior School community to plan to use at least some of the coming holiday in reflection on the term that has been, and what fresh challenges you will set yourselves in Term 2.    


Mr Owen Laffin

Deputy Headmaster – Head of Senior School