

Two Perspectives

This week, by email, I received a very encouraging, unsolicited comment about our School from Mr Herrmann; a past parent and now, casual teacher. From his perspective as a past-parent, he wrote … 


“My children went to BMGS, because they both chose the school above other Blue Mountains schools. I did not really understand why they choose Grammar, I just respected their wishes. Only now, years after they finished their schooling, do I really understand their choice and I am very glad I listened to them”.


So, what is there to understand? What is it that sets this School apart in Mr Herrmann’s eyes, in current parents’ eyes and in our students’ eyes? As a current casual teacher, Mr Herrmann has a window into the real Grammar and this is his account…


“Decades of teaching experience in a variety of schools and multiple countries allows me to enjoy a good school! Like everything else in life, each school has its strengths and weaknesses, and the teachers and students do the best they can with what they have - and who they are. Here at BMGS, I think students live in ‘learning paradise’. The excellent, thoughtful and caring teachers, the outstanding facilities, and the beauty of the school environment with its old trees, large fields and beautiful gardens all contribute to a learning environment that is a privilege to work in. Things that are taken for granted here at BMGS, like common courtesy and compassion, commitment to a task, respect for each other, are the result of generations of students, teachers, and leaders, who have walked and forged this path and created this little hive of humanity. Every day that I get called to work, I look forward to be part of the learning that goes on in the many subjects I casual-teach. The students are welcoming and friendly, and keen to get on with their tasks. They are always helpful and naturally collaborative with each other. When I walk the school grounds, I am astounded by the fact that there is (almost) no rubbish and the environment gets treated with respect. I have never experienced this in any other school in my life! In their breaks, students sit in groups and chat, play sports, just walk around, or sit in the library, reading and studying. Bullying happens everywhere, but at BMGS it seems to be so rare that I have never seen any evidence of it. Neither have I observed discrimination in any form. In Tutor groups, students discuss their life at school, relax, or plan fund-raising activities – yes, they actively care about the communities they live in. The ‘systems’ that make things work and allow people to interact, are also amazing. This includes the beautiful classrooms (art, sports, and science are mind-blowing), the library, and of course the IT infrastructure. Thanks for welcoming me, BMGS community!”


What a generous appraisal of a fabulous School.


Mr Ian Maynard
