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Nurse Janice

Influenza (the Flu) and Asthma

Influenza, commonly known as ‘the flu', is an illness caused when an influenza virus infects the respiratory tract – your nose and lungs.

Influenza infection usually has different symptoms and causes a more severe illness than the common cold. It may be a life-threatening infection in certain people.

Flu is a common trigger for asthma along with other respiratory viruses.


Australian flu outbreaks are usually seasonal, occurring from late autumn through winter and into early spring. 

Influenza vaccination (the flu shot) offers a high degree of protection against the flu and its severe consequences.

There are several different influenza viruses and strains. The type usually changes from year to year, so the recommended vaccine also changes from year to year.

See your doctor for a flu shot each autumn.


Students at Wedderburn College in years 7-12, who have asthma, can receive a free flu shot from our school Doctor.

Please contact the school to make an appointment.


If you have any questions, please contact: -

Janice Deocampo, Wedderburn College School Nurse 54943011/ Mob 0417329774