Assistant Principal's


Mr Lockhart

Cross Country

Congratulations to all students who participated in our house Cross Country, great job to all Ansett competitors for allowing Jacka to win. The weather was difficult but didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of our runners. The day was about participation and trying hard (two of our expected behaviours on our SWPBS Matrix) and our students did an excellent job of this. A special thanks to all staff especially Mrs Earl and Mrs Turnbull for organising the event, also like to mention Allan and VCAL students for cooking the BBQ.


Congratulations must also go to NCD Cross Country Competitors who went to St Arnaud on Friday. Congratulations to Isaac Holt who finished first and all other place getters and competitors – great job!!!

Off Campus Excursions - Uniform

Reminder to all students when you are at school or off campus on an excursion, full uniform is required. Our uniform is multipurpose that allows students to be active, warm and has a casual formality; therefore provides students with no excuse not to be in full school uniform whilst attending excursions and representing the College.  

Lunchtime Activities

We are trying to promote more active students at recess and lunchtime. Our Senior House Captains have organised and run successful lunchtime Basketball and Netball competitions.  Our next lunchtime competition is Dodge Ball, students are encouraged to sign up on the noticeboard in the breezeway of the main building. Join in and have fun!!!!

Hat and Beanies

A number of students are now wearing the school beanies and they look fantastic. A reminder to all students that beanies and hats are not to be worn in the classroom.  Please leave them in your locker.