Principal News


Dear Sacred Heart Community

Medical workers in India showing solidarity for the victims of the COVID pandemic
Medical workers in India showing solidarity for the victims of the COVID pandemic

Our thoughts are with our school families who have relatives and friends in India. As we read and hear in the media, the situation with the COVID 19 pandemic is dire. As a school and wider community, who are now able to live in the relative comfort of a Covid free environment, our prayers are with you as your families and friends face the terrible challenges presented by the Covid pandemic.



We would like to congratulate brother and sister Azariah and Isheanesu who will be Baptised this Sunday at Sacred Heart Church after the 10.30am Mass. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you both on this very special day.




Last week school photos were sent home with your children. Some children have had their photos taken as part of a group (e.g. school captains, choir, special ministries etc.) Children whose photos were taken as part of these groups were sent home a card with an individual students’ id. If you would like to order a group photo of your child, you will need to order these online using their id. A copy of these are shown on the window of my office.


Mother's Day Stall

A reminder that our Mother's Day Stall for all our students, will take place next Friday 7th May. On this day, each class will have the opportunity to visit the stall and purchase a present for their mum. All gifts will be $5.00, and our students will be initially allowed to purchase a maximum of two gifts. Our Parent and Friend's group will commence wrapping the gits tomorrow in preparation for next Friday.

A letter with more details will go home tomorrow for our students in Years Prep and One as it will be their first experience with the Mother's Day Stall.

Mother's Day display in the library
Mother's Day display in the library

Classroom Parent Helpers Program

Our classroom parent helpers program began this week with Glenn (father of Natalie in Year One) and Prem (mother of Arvin in Year Prep) assisting our students with some of their literacy activities. Both Alexandra and Bethany who had the parents working in their rooms, are extremely grateful and expressed to me how it made the learning sessions run even smoother with the extra adult. We have other parents joining the program in the following weeks.


Parking Issues

There have been some issues with parking and congestion outside our school.  For our children’s safety and your safety, parents and guardians are requested to note the following laws. Please note that there is meant to be no parking either side of the school before the crossing between 8.00 and 9.00am and 3.00 and 4.00pm– this is a drop off and pick up zone only (5 minutes).

With regard to parking – our crossing supervisor was almost knocked over last week because cars are parking almost on the crossing.  Jodie’s vision is obstructed when people park either side of the crossing and therefore cannot see oncoming vehicles entering Clifton Grove from Bell Street.  This is a very dangerous situation for all concerned. 

Could I also ask that parents also note that the Church driveway must be kept clear at all times to allow for emergency vehicle access. If parking in the "U" shaped drive outside the church please ensure the driveway leading to the back of the church is not blocked .  


For the safety of our school community I ask that you read the road rules regarding driveway and other parking rules around school zones underneath this section in our newsletter.

This beautiful symbol of ANZAC Day is currently on display in our school foyer. It was created by our Year 3/4 students. In the classroom news section of this newsletter, you can read some of these class members reflections about ANZAC Day.




Please stay safe.


Yours sincerely


Mark Tierney




General stopping and parking rules around school zones

You must not leave a vehicle stationary:

  • double parked
  • where there is a Keep Clear road marking
  • within an intersection (except on the continuous side of a continuing road of a T-intersection)
  • across a lane or private driveway (except for 2 minutes to pick up or drop off passengers without leaving the vehicle unattended)
  • where you would leave less than 3 metres of road clear for traffic
  • on the wrong side of the road, i.e. on the far right side of a two-way road
  • on a footpath, nature strip or reservation (unless the vehicle is a motorcycle or bicycle)

You must not leave a vehicle within 20 metres (unless permitted by a sign) of:

  • the approach side of a children’s crossing
  • the approach side of a pedestrian crossing that is not at an intersection
  • both sides of an intersection with traffic lights
  • the approach side of a bus stop
  • both sides of a level crossing, or
  • the approach side of a tram stop sign (unless permitted by a sign).

You must not leave a vehicle within 10 metres (unless permitted by a sign) of:

  • the departure side of a children’s crossing

School crossing safety

  • When using a crossing you must listen to the crossing supervisor's directions and always:
  • stand behind the yellow line
  • never follow the crossing supervisor out onto the crossing
  • wait until you hear their whistle (two short blasts) before crossing
  • do not ride bikes across the crossing, bounce a ball, fight or run
  • walk quickly and safely, and
  • stay within the lines of the crossing and walk in front of the supervisor (never behind them).
  • For drivers at a school crossing, remember to:
  • park well away from crossings
  • drive slowly and be prepared to stop
  • listen to what crossing supervisors say
  • completely stop your vehicle and avoid rolling, and
  • wait until people have returned to the footpath before driving off.

If you see something wrong at a school crossing, you can contact Council to report it.

Download our School Crossing Safety pocket guide (PDF 3Mb).


School crossing supervisors

  • Crossing supervisors are located at both pedestrian light crossings and at flagged children's crossings.
  • School crossings operate between 8.15 - 9 am and 3.15 - 4 pm on school days.

Council’s school crossing supervisors are trained, provided with uniform and equipment and have a current Working with Children check carried out by Victoria Police. Supervisors are from all walks of life and backgrounds.