following a passion 

Jessica Sartori

Head of Learning - Science


The prestigious National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) is a not-for-profit organisation that is  all about inspiring the next generation of Australian scientists.  


The NYSF Year 12 Program is a 12-day residential program designed to give students a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and to encourage them to continue their studies in these fields.  

Run in January each year, participants have the chance to visit science and technology laboratories and facilities, hear lectures from some of Australia's most celebrated academics, take part in workshops and enjoy social events. They also benefit from activities that will improve communication and presentation skills, take part in sessions on entrepreneurship, critical thinking,  effective teamwork and much more. 


To be accepted into this program is a great honour and is a testament to Adam Cooper's passion for Science and Mathematics. The BSC community congratulates Adam on this achievement and looks forward to hearing all about his adventures in Canberra!

Adam C
Adam C

Adam Cooper

Year 11

I am a year 11 student at Brunswick studying in maths and science subjects. I was nominated by Ms Sartori  to be considered for the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) in Canberra and had to pass an interview process to get in. I am excited to have been accepted into the program and am looking forward to January.


While attending the Forum I will live at the Australian National University for two weeks and enjoy various science-based activities and excursions. I will have the chance to visit and use the ANU science laboratories on campus as well as visit other labs outside of the university. From this experience I hope to grow my passion for science as well as get a better insight into the various branches of STEM.


Overall I think this will be a great experience for me going into the future. When I get back to school I will try to share my experience with others.