Year 9 News

Head of Year                                Mrs Jennii Johnson

Assistant Head of Year            Mr Adrian Moore


Term 2 has started well with the Year 9 students working hard to keep up to date with their schoolwork. It was great to see and meet so many of their parents at Parent Teacher interviews. This term we are preparing for NAPLAN and making plans for the year 9 City Experience Camp.


In our pastoral health classes we are looking into responsible behaviors, overcoming adversity, good mental health, positive thinking and the sexual world of the 21st century adolescent. We are looking forward to three guest speakers James Oakley from MPYS, Mike Rolls and Laura


At the end of Term 1 we asked the teachers of the Year 9 if they would like to select up to two students from their classes who have stood out. Not just for academic achievement but for reasons such as trying really hard and standing out in regards to behavior and/or work output.


Below are listed the students who received certificates:


Temeka Adie - Drama, Psychology, Japanese

Olivia Anwyl - Humanities, Science

William Armstrong - Indonesian, Maths, Psychology

Jack Banks - Maths

Grant Baxter - Surf & Turf

Will Cain - Pastoral/Health

Esteban Cardenas - Chefs on the run

Thomas Clark - Maths

Grace Cosgriff-Camm - Maths

Chloe Fahey - Art

Tulliah Goldsworthy - Indonesian

Daniel Gough - Music

Eden Grace - Indonesian

Trey Gyory - Drama

Jaimie Hale - Surf & Turf

Campbell Hill - Humanities

Reece Hogan - Chefs on the Run

Chloe Hoober - Conflicts and Crisis

Ruby Johnson - Pastoral/Health, English

Natasha Jones - Pastoral/Health

Renaia Kunaiti - Conflicts and Crisis

Eliza Collings - Chefs on the Run, Maths

Jessica Lazner - Philosophy, Forensic Science

Jacinta Lyon-Lee - Humanities

Patrick Macdonald - English

Callum Mayle - Maths, Science

Ricky McLeod - Chefs on the Run

Issacc Milanovic - Science

Evie Petrina - English

Brandon Piggott - Maths

Liam Porter - Philosophy, Human Rights and the Law

Joel Reinhold - Science

Iris Roberts - Humanities, Music

Lucas Roller - Maths

Charlie Sansom - English

Michael Shepheard - Maths

Brielle Smith - Pastoral/Health

Trent Taylor - Music

Noah Turner - Bake House

Gypsy Turner - Science

Lance Unger - Media

Jesse Vande Bunt

Aiden Van Den Berg

Christopher Vervoorst


Congratulations to all of these students on your efforts.

Alpine School

The School of Student Leadership - Gnurad Gundidj Campus is open to year 9 students. It has 3 campuses across Victoria, Gnurad - Gundidj, Alpine and the Snowy River. These campuses have been open since 1999. All of them are residential, meaning that our school is our home; we eat, rest, learn, maintain the campus, grow as people and share our experiences together. Forty-five students live on campus for an entire term.


Through out this time we only see our parents once for a weekend, which is half way through. Part of the experience is no personal technology, which means no phones, iPads, iPods, and personal computers, video games-no devices that could create an inequality between our fellow classmates. We are however, given laptops so we may continue to stay in contact with family and friends via emails. Letters are also a very popular way of staying in touch with people outside the school.


In order to attend these unique schools there are some processes that must be taken. Keeping in mind that only year 9's can go. First, you must show interest and fill in an application form, and then you sit an interview with the year 9 co ordinator, a past student, middle school principal and a teacher. After that you wait to find out.


Dromana College was offered eight positions by the Gnurad-Gundidj school, 3 girls and 5 boys. Over 20 boys and girls applied. The students who were selected were: Temeka Adie, Lara Topluoglu, Brynee Clarke, James Seward, Ben Golotta, Kaleb Morrison, Grant Baxter and Sebastian Zelisko. We all feel very grateful for being given this opportunity and intend on making the most of it. 


So far, in only two and a half weeks a lot has happened both inside and outside of the classroom. Inside, we have been learning about beliefs and values, goals, our personality traits, how we learn best, peer skills, what makes us individuals, the community, first aid, food safety and developing our leadership skills. Outside, we have been very active. Participating in activities like mountain bike riding, building bridges, hiking Mt Noorat, camping, doing an 18k bike ride and a 12k hike, exploration, snorkeling, canoeing and over all enjoying the fresh air. In our free time all forty-five students have been socialising and mixing wonderfully. Already, friendships have been made that will carry on after we return home. Not even half way through and we have all grown and learnt so much, we are loving every second of this wonderful experience.

 Temeka Aide Year 9