From the 22nd to the 26th of August, the College hosted STEAM Week, a celebration of all things to do with Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math.
Over the course of the week, students had the opportunity to participate in various activities, which included spaghetti engineering, paper planes, and the ever-decadent Periodic Table of Cupcakes.
There was also a brilliant talk by Dr. Chris Manzies, the head of electrical engineering at Melbourne University.
There were daily quizzes and puzzles that anyone in the school community to have a crack at, earning house points in the process.
I'd like to thank Eki, Neha, Danielle, Paige and Rupini for their help in organising and running activities throughout the week, and to Ms. Nair, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Baratta, Ms. Vine and lab technicians who took time our of their week to help me organise rooms and setting up activities as well.
House results as follows:
House | Points |
Ignis | 626 |
Stella | 447 |
Terra | 295 |
Hydra | 277 |
Stella won day 1 and 3 and Ignis won days 2, 4 and 5.
Congratulations to Ignis, and thank you everyone for participating.
STEAM Captain
Congratulations to Rupini of Yr 10 for winning the STEAM Week Kahoot quiz which was arranged by students.
Please save the date for the rescheduled FOSTEAM Trivia Night - which will be held on Thursday 13th October, 2022.