Library News

Book Week
Viewbank College’s Book Week will be held in the last week of term – get those costumes ready for the parade on Thursday 15th September!
CBCA Book of the Year Shadow Judging panel
Congratulations to the members of our first CBCA Shadow Judging panel - Tanya, Lily, Katelyn, Charlotte, Jade and Virgini.
They read books from the Older Readers and Younger Readers shortlists, and voted on their winner from the Older Readers category.
Our group winner was Felicity Castagna’s Girls in Boys’ Cars – this book the scored highest against the CBCA judging criteria – although the panel was divided about their personal favourites - Tiger Daughter, Sugar Town Queens and The Boy from the Mish were all strong contenders!
Here are a couple of the panel’s critical responses to the books – they can all be found on the CBCA’s Shadow Judging website, alongside responses from school students across Victoria. The overall Shadowers Choice Award will be announced at noon on Friday.
Author visit
A few weeks ago, the CBCA Shadow Judging group had a special visit from author Jane Godwin. Jane’s popular book ‘When Rain Turns to Snow’, was shortlisted for CBCA Book of the Year 2021, which made her a great candidate to help our group. She took us through some ways to conduct creative responses for this year's shortlist, and workshopped some ideas, helping the group wrap our heads around some extra concepts. This has definitely helped, as we are now putting together our responses, and we were so glad to have her there. All of us are very thankful for the time she gave us, and for the wonderful opportunity we were given.
Lily R (Yr 8)
Phoenix cover design competition
The College produces an annual magazine (The Phoenix), which brings together stories and photos from the school year – reflecting on events, camps, carnivals, classes, excursions and more!
We are running a competition (open to all year levels) for the front cover design of the 2022 Viewbank College Phoenix.
I encourage all Viewbank creatives to have a go - it’s a wonderful opportunity see your work published professionally!
The requirements for the design are:• A4 size, in portrait• Must clearly depict the words “Viewbank College”, “2022” and “Phoenix”• Must include colour• Your design can be drawn/painted or digital•
Please send entries to me via MS Teams or to (PDF or JPG) by Friday September 9th.
If you have any questions, come and ask us in the library.
Thanks, and good luck!
Phoenix orders
Purchase of the yearbook costs $25 and is an optional item for purchase.
If you would like a copy, please pay via Compass no later than Friday 9th September.
Chloe Powell and Jordan Adams