Senior School

Year 11 and 12 Movie Night
During term 3, all Year 11 and 12s were invited to attend a relaxing movie night session with a pizza dinner in the school auditorium. The Year 11s watched The Pirates of the Caribbean and Year 12s watched Grown ups.
Unit 3 and 4 Holiday Trial Exams
For all students studying UNIT 3/4 subjects, including Y11 accelerated students, the school has organized a cycle of trial examinations during the October holiday period. Please see the attached timetable for these trial exams. These exam efforts will be assessed. Students will receive their scored results and feedback for improvement during week one of Term 4. Attendance in full school uniform is compulsory. Exam practice is an essential component of successful exam preparation. Practice improves student outcomes enormously. The benefit of this practice for your child will be significant.
Please review your child’s timetable for these exams and encourage them to study for them. The October is not a time to increase paid employment or leisure time. Students, to be successful, need to achieve their best in the final examinations, and making a real attempt to do the trial exams well is an essential step toward that success.
NOTE: Students attending an exam will be required to enter and exit the school grounds via GATE 2 on Gladstone Road.
Skyline Hatch Revision Lectures
All Year 12 students are registered for FREE exam revision lectures taking place over the Term 3 holidays.
Important Information:
- Please look out for an email from Skyline Hatch with details to log in to your Exam Revision Series account and choose which subject sessions you would like to attend.
- You will be able to create your own schedule and will receive email reminders in the lead up to the event.
- You can amend their chosen subjects at any time from your account.
- If you haven't received the email it may have gone into junk soplease check your junk folder. If you still haven’t received the email, please let Miss Gallo know.
Please also be aware that you will have practice exams running during the school holidays and you are expected to attend. If one or more of your chosen lectures clashes with a practice exam, you can register for an exam revision lecture and watch a recording at a later date.
One VCE event for families and students
Victoria’s senior secondary education is changing
From 2023, the new VCE Vocational Major will replace Intermediate and Senior VCAL. This means the VCE will recognise different students equally.
About the changes to senior secondary education
From 2023, students will have more education choices, a higher-quality curriculum and better workplace experiences.
The changes are a result of the Review into Vocational and Applied Learning Pathways in Senior Secondary Schooling (the Firth review) which found changes were needed to improve vocational learning in schools.
For more information about the new One VCE and Vocational Major, refer to: Many Talents One VCE
Parent online briefings
The Department of Education and Training and the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority are partnering with Parents Victoria to deliver an online briefing about the changes to senior secondary education:
- Wednesday 7 September 2022 at noon via Microsoft Teams. Register to attend.
- Thursday 8 September 2022 at 7:30 pm via Microsoft Teams. Register to attend.
Come along to learn about how students in years 9 to 11 will have more education choices, a higher-quality curriculum and better workplace experiences.
One VCE Ask Me Anything session for students
The Department of Education and Training and the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority are partnering with VicSRC to host a One VCE Ask Me Anything (AMA) session.
This is a chance for years 9 to 11 students to hear from the government and have their questions answered.
- Tuesday 13 September 2022 at 7:30 pm via YouTube Live. Registration not required.
Students can get answers to their questions about the new VCE. Parents and guardians are also welcome to join and ask questions.
For more information and to join or ask a question:
- refer to YouTube Live page
- refer to Many Talents One VCE page.
Director of Senior Sub School: Bill Hollingworth
Student Achievement and Engagement in Senior School: Monique Lenehan-Moustafa
Year 10: Dylan Mersin and Lyndon Shane
Year 11: Amanda Crosbie
Year 12: Johanna Gallo
Admin: Bec Campbell