Assistant Principals' Report

We hope that all students are having a productive, safe, and enjoyable Term 3, as we get closer to the September school holidays. It has been fantastic to have some continuity in learning programs throughout the year and to see our students thriving in the classroom.
As the 2022 school year continues, our focus continues to be on raising the expectations whilst building positive learning environments, a positive culture for learning and a strong connection to school. We need the support of parents and guardians to ensure our students continue to cooperate with the school expectations and protocols.
To help support this, we kindly ask all students with the support of family to ensure students are wearing the approved College uniform. The correct wearing of the uniform adds to the student’s sense of belonging to the College community and promotes the development of a sense of egalitarianism, so that all students can feel equal within the College. If students do not have the required uniform or items, we ask parents/guardians please write a note for your child to hand into the sub school, to receive a uniform pass from the sub school administration support and/or coordinators before the beginning of period 1. If students need support with their uniform, or need to talk to someone about uniform, please do not hesitate to contact the school as we are always happy to help. We would also like to communicate that hoodies and rain/ski jackets are not a replacement for the College jumper or blazer.
Mobile Phone Policy
A reminder that all students, personal mobile phones must not be used at Lyndale Secondary College during school hours from 8.40am - 3pm, including lunchtime and recess.
We respectfully ask that all students adhere to the college values regarding this policy. Mobile phones will be confiscated by staff members who observe students using them without authorisation. Once a device is confiscated it will be securely stored at the front office until claimed by the student’s parent/guardian. All confiscations will be recorded on student chronicles on Compass. A 3rd offence will require a parent/guardian to pick up the phone and a meeting with the student’s year level coordinator will be arranged, to discuss potential supports that may be put in place to assist with student learning.
Bags in lockers
All students have been provided with a lock and a locker. No bags should be taken to class. Please remind your child of this. If there are issues with students’ lockers, they should be talking to their coordinators. Replacement school locks can be purchased from the school office for $15.
Staying in class
We are asking all students to ensure they stay in class during class times. Students should be using break times to go to the toilet not during class time. We encourage students to bring a drink bottle to class to avoid having to go out of class to get a drink. We need students to support this to ensure we can have all students learning in the classroom to the best of their ability.
We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing our students following these school expectations for the remainder of the year.
Luke Wilson
Assistant Principal