
Year 10 Work Experience 2022
A reminder to all year 10 students that work experience forms must be returned to Ms Pham and Ms Fagarasan by Friday 16th September 2022. This is the last week of term 3.
If you require a new Work Experience Arrangement Form or the full work experience information pack, please download the relevant documentation from Compass.
Parents Letter work experience 2 year 9
1.WE- Form 3 Amended WE Arrangement Form
additional-work-experience-form (5)
Work Experience Travel and Accommodation Form
SEAS and Scholarships advisory deadline for guaranteed document review
A reminder that students who submit their SEAS and Scholarships documentation by Friday 16 September will be guaranteed a review of their documents and contacted if there are any problems with them, for example, if they are illegible or out of date. This will give them time to resubmit documents before the final SEAS and Scholarships deadline of 5pm on 7 October. We will continue to review documents submitted after the advisory deadline and prior to the final deadline, but cannot guarantee that the initial document review will be completed in time for resubmission of rejected documents.
VTAC Applications
Make an appointment with Careers Counsellor to discuss VTAC application, SEAS & Scholarships application, University /TAFE courses or Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
VTAC courses application close Thursday 29th September, 2022 (during school holiday)
SEAS and Scholarships Application close 7th October, 2022
Phuong Pham
Careers Counsellor