
Term 3 Library News
The start of Term 3 meant the start of planning for Book Week.
Competitions, activities, prizes, displays were all coming together for the biggest week of the Library year – August 20-26th.
The library was abuzz with excited students entering the daily trivia competition, others were enjoying a more relaxed activity of completing the crossword puzzles, others were picking up the lolly jar and trying to count all the lollies inside. Towards the end of the week, the library was hosting more than 100 students during lunch time… all grabbing a ticket for the lucky door prize.
They sure kept the Library staff on their toes, but we too enjoyed every minute of it.
Winners of competitions were:
Recreate a Book Cover challenge – Nish Patel – 7C
Guess the lollies in the jar – Yonal Sri Jayamaha – 7C
Crossword puzzles - Rodney Ma'o, Louis Benedetto, Changkuoth Lel, Saren Kiritharen, Keyda Suson.
Congratulations to all of you and thank you to all students who participated in this year’s Book Week activities.
The Hamper of goodies has not been won yet. English and Literacy classes were asked to compete by bringing in their library ID cards and borrowing. First class of students to all borrow, using their Library ID cards, with no overdue books wins the hamper to share within your class. It’s that easy!
The Library staff wish to also thank our 2 Library Monitors. – Bunseam Kheang (10C) and Ysabella Vijungo (7G) who assist us with shelving and other duties during their lunch breaks. They have been a great help. Thank you to both of u and keep up the excellent work.
New Books for Spring
Please see some of the latest books added to our Library Collection. A reminder to students to bring your Student ID/Library card with you to the Library when planning on borrowing books.
Click on the link to check out the New Books for Spring
To all Lyndale students, we wish you a happy and safe break. Happy Reading!
From the Library team 😊