Acting Head of Student Welfare
Ms Farron Boxall
Acting Head of Student Welfare
Ms Farron Boxall
Today is R U OK? Day. It is a day to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with those in their world who may be struggling with life’s ups and downs.
As parents, guardians and teachers we know our boys don’t always tell us when something is troubling them so it is important we make checking in an important part of our of our everyday interactions whilst also being observant for changes in things such as demeanour, body language, mood, energy levels and appetite which can sometimes be signs that a boy is not feeling himself or that something may be worrying him.
As part of our student support network, the College has counselling and psychologist services available on campus. We have recently created a student self-referral form which students can access from SIMON if they would like to access these services, or the support of their Pastoral Care Teacher or Head of House. If you feel this is a support that might be helpful to your son at any point during their schooling journey please do not hesitate to get in contact with your son’s Pastoral Care Teacher or Head of House.
Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:
Over the past two weeks we have been visited by over 100 Grade 5 students from Catholic Primary Schools around Hobart who have participated in an SVC Taster Day. This provides an opportunity for the young boys and girls to see and experience how high school operates and the opportunities that will be available to them, including those that are unique to SVC. Each school heard from some courageous Year 7 students who spoke about their transition from Primary School to High School and our Year 10 Leaders at the end of their High School journey passed on valuable words of wisdom to the Grade 5s who will commence theirs in the coming years. They also got to participate in activities such as Rock Climbing, Drama, Sport, Art and Science Experiments. I thank our Transition Coordinator Mr Greg Mills for his coordination of these special visits and all staff who led activities. I also thank our Year 10 Leaders who have led school tours. We look forward to welcoming more schools next week.
Last fortnight I highlighted that for some students their hair has naturally grown since their school holiday trim and requested parents/guardians support us in monitoring the hair length and style of their son and make an appointment with a hairdresser if required to maintain the following;
Hair must be clean, tidy, of natural colour with no trace of dyes, bleaches or tints. Hair may be shaved with a number two blade, but not a number one, and should be shaved evenly all over with no long hair on top and with short sides. Hair should not exceed collar length or cover eyes or the face. A small amount of mousse or gel may be used to keep hair in place but not to create spikes or other effects.
Please be aware next week Heads of House will be in contact with home for any students who require a haircut.