Classroom News

Prep and Year 5/6 Buddies
Reading Hour
The Year 5/6's and their Prep buddies have continued their weekly get together and read hour and this time they were using the new iPads to read from. The students were able to access EPIC books on the iPad, with the Preps choosing a favourite or interesting story for the big buddy to read to them. I hear the Preps love to use the iPads for their reading.
Year 1
What a fun week Book Week has been so far! The Year 1's looked very comfortable in their PJs on Tuesday. Lucky no one fell asleep at school as we had Nadine, an author visit and speak to the whole school about what it was like to write a book and read some chapters from her book. We couldn't believe that Nadine was once a student here at Sacred Heart and that she even based one of her characters on Marty! After our special author visit we were treated to some hot chocolate, while we read our favourite books to each other and our teddies. Some of the teddies even decided to help the teachers do some work!
Year 2
Pyjamas, hot chocolate, special teddies, favourite picture books and PJ yoga... what a great way to celebrate Book Week!
Year 2 and Year 3/4
The Year 2s and Year 3/4s were very eager to head to the Library and share with their buddy one of their favourite books and a dream they have for the future (in light of the 2022 Book Week theme 'Dreaming with eyes open...'). It was great to see the students so entraced by their books and thinking so deeply about their future.
Year 3/4
This week has been a really fun week because it has been Book Week. It is probably my most favorite part of the year. We had Pyjama Day and you don’t need to change into your clothes all day. Harper.
During Book Week we had a lot of fun activities like getting into groups and listening to books from the Premier’s Reading Challenge. We also had a day that we could wear our phyjams and bring our teddy bears to school. On Tuesday we listened to Nadine Rabah who was our school captain 16 years ago. She wrote a book called ‘Jaiyana’. Allie.
This week was great! We had Pyjama Day on Tuesday along with a cup of hot chocolate. We had Buddy Time which was great. On Friday we wore our costumes for the Book Week Parade. It was an awesome week! Katelin.
I liked how we bought any soft toy that we liked to school. And I liked how we could dress up in our pyjamas if we liked. And I liked the activities that we did like sharing our favourite book. Emmastacia.
It was really exciting when we started doing activities about Book Week. We had lots of fun doing all the activities. And we got to read many of the shortlisted books. My favorite book was “Stellaphant”’. It was really cozy with our pajamas on Tuesday and we had lots of fun doing different things throughout the day, like having hot chocolate and listening to the special author who had also come to Sacred Heart sixteen years ago. Aleisha.
I really enjoyed this week because we got to wear our pyjamas to school and we got to have hot chocolate and also an author talked and then read to us. We also got to share our favorite book with our buddy. Adam.
I like Book Week because I like reading and I like hearing stories. This week I also enjoyed Pyjama Day and how we got to talk about our favorite book to our buddy. What I thought was really fun was the reading rotations on Monday and how we got to listen to different stories. Gail.
This week was really exciting because there were a variety of activities for Book Week. One activity was wearing your pyjamas for the whole day and bringing your teddies to school. And we shared our favorite books to our class and our buddies. Roman.
This week has been really fun because we had Pyjama Day on Tuesday. We took photos with our favorite teddy or stuffed animals. We had hot chocolate too. Jasmine.
It was very exciting on Tuesday because we got to wear pyjamas and we got to bring our teddies to school all day. I really enjoyed the hot chocolate because it had marshmallows in it. It was a wonderful day because we met an author and she read her book to us. She also used to be the school captain from Sacred Heart about 16 years ago. Isabella.
On the Friday before Book Week, I was so excited for Book Week because me and my friends were going to dress up from the same book for the Book Parade. I really, really enjoyed Pyjama Day because it was different from other days and we got to wear our pyjams all day at school. I liked it when we had a special Assembly on Tuesday and we had a special visitor named Nadine Rabah. When she was younger, she liked playing football unlike other girls. She used to be the school captain here. Yianna.
It was so fun sharing books and it was fantastic to read other student’s favorite books. I really liked the week we had. Stephanie.
This week has been the best week ever because we did lots of fun things for Book Week. I was really excited because we had Pyjama Day and we did lots of activities like having hot chocolate, listening to an author read her book who used to be the school captain 16 years ago. Lauren.
This week is Book Week and my favorite day of the week was Pyjama Day on Tuesday. I loved that we got free hot chocolate and we got to roam around the school in our pyjamas all day. Veer.
This week has been a great week because we were wearing our pyjamas and we also had Buddy Time and had lots of fun. Fortunato.
Year 1 and Year 4/5
The Year 1's joined a Year 4/5 buddy to share and read a favourite book during Book Week. We really enjoyed listening to each other read and finding out about the characters and plot in the stories.
Year 5/6
Today students wore their pajamas and brought in their favourite book. Brian, Julian, Ahan, Joshua and Mili talked a little about the book and why it is their favourite.