Mobile Phones

Dear families,


The past two years have certainly been challenging for all of us, however it is now time to reset and look ahead to creating a calm and orderly environment for all students so they can concentrate on their core purpose - a meaningful and productive education which will provide lifelong skills to engage in suitable employment.


One strategy which we will be rigorously employing is the existing ban of mobile phones and related devices at school. The Department of Education has sent a clear message to all schools that there must be a firm adherence to the policy. 


There has been a spike in anti-social behaviours involving the use of such devices, and we are obligated to mitigate these issues. We have implemented the policy with fidelity as instructed. We are obligated by law to adhere to the policy and enforce any appropriate consequences. We will be confiscating all mobile phones, EarPods and similar devices. They will only be returned to the parent/caregiver/guardian. Students will also receive consequences that will range in severity based on the breach and subsequent interactions.


It is important for families to have a discussion with their children in relation to this as any inconvenience caused to you by our processes is a direct correlation to your child's breach of the rules. If it is difficult for you to collect items at particular times, then it is imperative that you make it clear to your children that they do not put you in an awkward situation. Please start having the conversations now, so there is no surprises or confusion in the following weeks when we begin full implementation of the policy. I will update the current policy to include an additional consequence such as after school detentions.


Thank you for your support in ensuring that our main focus is the education of our students.


Ms. Aylin Gokmen

Assistant Principal - College Operations.