Visual Arts

Matisse People Collages


The Grade 5 and 6 students have created these Henri Matisse inspired people collages. They learnt about creating movement and using different organic shapes to give the illusion of objects moving in space.  Don’t these paper collages look amazing!




At the end of term could you please take the opportunity to check your child’s pencil case and make sure that they have basic  supplies like a glue stick, scissors, grey lead pencil and coloured pencils.


The Lions Club are running their annual Peace poster competition for senior primary students (please see terms and conditions below). The theme for the 2022 posters is: “Lead with Compassion”. 


Posters can be made with any medium but can’t be 3D or have anything attached to them. There are specific paper sizes, and the posters must be able to be rolled and posted.


Please refer to the terms and conditions closely and come and speak to Heidi in the Art room if you have any questions. 


Posters must be submitted to Heidi by Monday 3 October (Day 1 Term 4). Please write your full name and school on the back of the posters.


This could be a great September school holiday activity and there are a number of vouchers to stores like Officeworks and Dymocks to be won!

Donations Please!

Heidi is seeking  the following donations for her Art and STEAM programs:

  • Buttons
  • Crochet cotton, chenille needles, felt and cushion stuffing
  • Sewing scissors
  • Pins
  • Cereal, Cheezel type boxes (these can be flattened to bring to school more easily)
  • Cube tissue boxes (please don’t flatten these as they will be used for construction)
  • Craft supplies like icy pole sticks, straws and pipe cleaners
  • Masking tape
  • CDs

Any donations can be taken to the office, or your child can take them to the art room.  Thank you!