From the Office

Wednesday 14th SeptemberYear 6 Forensic Science Excursion
Thursday 15th SeptemberFooty Day
Friday 16th SeptemberWhole School Assembly in Gym - 2.00pm
Friday 16th SeptemberFinal Day of Term 3 - 2.30pm dismissal
Monday 10th OctoberCheer Toastie Truck Lunch Orders
Thursday 13th OctoberFete/Class Rep Meeting - 9.00am in Staff Room
Friday 21st OctoberSpring Racing Carnival Luncheon
Saturday 12th NovemberSchool Fete
Monday 14th NovemberWhole school swimming program begins
Monday 12th DecemberYear 6 Graduation
Tuesday 20th DecemberEnd of Term 4 - 1.30pm dismissal

The Cheer Toastie Truck will be visiting Old Orchard on Monday 10th October.  Students can order a delicious, double cheese toastie for $3.00, and Cheer will donate $2.00  from every sandwich back to our school.  Click on the following link to place your order and make payment by Friday 30th September (last day of school holidays).  No extensions are possible.  

Donations Please!

Heidi is seeking  the following donations for her Art and STEAM programs:

  • Buttons
  • Crochet cotton, chenille needles, felt and cushion stuffing
  • Sewing scissors
  • Pins
  • Cereal, Cheezel type boxes (these can be flattened to bring to school more easily)
  • Cube tissue boxes (please don’t flatten these as they will be used for construction)
  • Craft supplies like icy pole sticks, straws and pipe cleaners
  • Masking tape
  • CDs

Any donations can be taken to the office, or your child can take them to the art room.  Thank you!


Delicious free range eggs straight from the Old Orchard chickens 

available to purchase at the office.




Next time you shop at Rebel, please consider linking your membership to Old Orchard Primary School.  It won't cost you a thing, but can help earn valuable points to enable our school to buy new, much needed sporting equipment.