Faith & Wellbeing 


At St James although social and emotional learning is happening all the time it is also taught explicitly through the Respectful Relationships program. Please see below information for a parent information session you may wish to register for in order to find out more about this program. 


Date for your diary-Respectful Relationships Information Session

Thursday 26th August

6.30 – 730pm

Parent, Carer and Community Information Session on Respectful Relationships


Please email for information & registration to this event


I subscribe to the “Big Life Journal”, not only are there some fantastic resources that our staff use to teach social and emotional learning at St James alongside our Respectful Relationships curriculum, but there are also many useful resources for parents and carers. I read this one recently and it resonated with me particularly after Corey’s terrific article in our previous newsletter. 


Do you remember those big puffy coats toddlers wear in the winter? You know the ones that are so puffy kids can hardly put their hands down?

They do protect them from the cold but really hinder their movement.

Here's the thing...some kids wear an invisible coat like this all the time.

And it’s called perfectionism.

They think this coat of perfectionism protects them from shame, embarrassment, and judgment.

They think if they just do everything perfectly, then they won’t have to face these emotions that make them feel uncomfortable and vulnerable.

But you know the truth.

Perfectionism doesn’t protect from any of those things.

Children who struggle with perfectionism still feel vulnerable and worried about others’ opinions.

In reality, the heavy coat of perfectionism just hinders their movement (and growth) just like that puffy winter coat.

It prevents them from trying new things, taking healthy risks, and growing emotional skills.

The good news is YOU can help your child take off the weighty coat of perfectionism.

The first step is to really understand them: where their perfectionism comes from and what goes through their head.



Mrs Georgia McNamara

Student Wellbeing Leader




For Parish Newsletters, please refer to the new Parish Website 


Emma Herbert

RE Leader