Deputy Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,


Our return to school post Remote learning 5.0 has been filled with many exciting and engaging opportunities for the students.  The Tokyo Olympics inspired many activities, from problem solving activities, classroom medal tallies, Olympic poetry, all the way to the creation of an Olympic village.  Last Friday we celebrated ‘Green and Gold’ day to show our support for the Olympic athletes in Tokyo. 


The students in years 3-6 participated in their own sporting event on the day, the 2021 Potato Olympics.  It was endearing to see the students encourage their potatoes to go Faster, Higher and be Stronger.  Unfortunately, some of our potato athletes ended up in first aid and required some dressing!!


Please find below some friendly reminders.


Kind regards,


Carmelina Corio


School Photos

The Year 6 Graduation Photo  and Student Leadership Photos will be taken on Monday 13th September from 9:00am onwards.  Please ensure that students in year 6 wear their full school uniform on the day.  


Teacher supervision before school and after school  

A reminder that there are staff on Before school supervision commencing at 8:40am, until 8:55am.  After school supervision commences at 3:30pm - 3:45pm.  At 3:45pm staff on duty will direct students yet to be collected to the front office.  If you are running late, please contact the school office, so that suitable arrangements can be made.  


Bunnings BBQ

Thank you to the parents who have organised and volunteered their time to run our yearly Bunnings BBQ.  See you there :)

Key Update



Thank you to everyone who has enquired about my keys. 

Unfortunately, they are still missing.  


Hopefully they turn up soon!






Remote Learning Pack / Resources

Dear Families, a friendly reminder to return all remote learning school borrowed resources as soon as possible.  The teachers are keen to audit the bags in the event that they are required in the near future.  Thank you if you have already done so.


Term 3 Curriculum Overviews

Collaborative Community and Specialist overviews for Term 3, have been posted to the Parent Portal and are ready for you to view.


School Closure Days for 2021 

The following 4 dates are designated school closure days for Teacher planning and professional learning.


COVID-19 Safety at School

At St James we have put a number of strategies in place to reduce the risk of transmission.  No one strategy is 100% effective.  


Here are just some of the ways we are doing to keep our Students, School community and Staff safe and well. 


In light of current restrictions and inline with our School COVID Safety we ask that you respect and follow the following guidelines.


Service Victoria QR Code and Face Masks

We kindly ask that all parents, carers and contractors and volunteers check-in using the Service Vic QR code displayed and wear a mask when entering the school building.

Thank you.



Self Isolating during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Can we kindly ask that if you or your family are required to self isolate during these times, that you inform the school via so that we can offer any assistance possible.


Thank you!


 Social Distancing

Thank you to all parents and carers who are helping the community to stay safe and healthy by keeping 1.5m apart at drop off and pick up times.

Although physical distancing will not apply to students in class, it does still apply to staff and parents. Therefore we ask that you respect our requests to minimise contact and continue with social distancing during drop off and pick ups, adults will also need to adhere to wearing masks when in public places including drop off and pick up when it is not possible to socially distance.



St James Catholic Primary School (School Portal) 

Please click here to access the School Portal



Social Media

Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 



School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186
