Visual Arts

Young People of Art Exhibition Celebration evening: rescheduled for Wednesday 25 August

Dear Bayside Artists,


Thank you for entering the 2021 Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition.


Due to current COVID restrictions and density quotas and to ensure the safety of all patrons to the event, Bayside Youth Services has made the decision to reschedule the Celebration night. The date has moved from the 11 August to the new date of Wednesday 25 August.


The event will include light refreshments, music from a local Bayside performer and speeches from the Mayor including collection of certificates and catalogues. A sensory safe time will be available for attendees who find large crowds and stimulus overwhelming.


Please RSVP by Monday 16 August 5pm.


COVIDSafe event

This will be a COVIDSafe event and follow restrictions in place at the time of the event. The safety and wellbeing of all attendees is the primary concern for Council. Due to density requirements, this evening will be split into two different groups, Open and Primary categories will attend from 6pm-7pm and Middle Years from 7.30pm-8.30pm.



Each artist/school may bring one guest at this stage and record any additional guests on the waiting list.  We will release further information closer to the date. If this event is unable to go ahead in person, there will be an online celebration for the young artists in Bayside. Further details to be released.


Please contact Bayside Youth Services on (03) 9599 4622 or  with any questions.


Best wishes, 


Mandy Cooper

Visual Arts Teacher