From the Principal 

The End of Term 2

Term 2 can only be described as a roller coaster ride. 


Our students and staff are to be congratulated for the way they maintained their focus and adapted so quickly to remote learning on two occasions this Semester.


Staff continue to enhance their knowledge in the use of google classrooms and this has contributed to the smooth transition in and out of remote learning. The college uses the google education suite as the main platform for the delivery and submission of student work.


I would like to thank all our parents for the wonderful support provided during online learning, managing your own work requirements and supervising your own children can be very challenging.

Year 10 & 11 Exams

Congratulations to all our year 10 and 11 for successfully completing their Mid-Year Exam.  All Students approached the exams with a positive attitude and were very supportive of each other.

Removal of Portables classrooms

The college continues to look for opportunities to enhance our facilities and this month with the support of the Victorian Schools Building Authority (VSBA) four more portables have been removed from the college grounds. This will now allow the college to create a more inviting space for our year 7 & 8 students. Some of this work will be completed during the school holidays.

The school council will need discuss the long term planning for the year 7 & 8 area.

Semester 1 Reports

Semester 1 reports are now available via compass. Please take a moment to sit with your child and discuss their Semester results. It is an opportunity to reflect on their effort, their overall achievements and to set some personal academic goals for semester 2.


Student Leaders

Our Student Leaders continue to amaze me with the positive attitudes and sense of community. During the latest lockdown, our senior leaders reached out to all students via a video message to offer support and guidance during a challenging period for all students.

Additionally, the Student Representative Council (SRC) with the support of the Parents and Friends Association (PFA) provided Care Packages to a large number of families within our community. Many of these families has expressed their thanks and gratitude at this kind gesture.

I am very proud of this leadership group and their approach to supporting their community.


If you are interested in joining the PFA please contact the college



VCE Unit 4  – Parent Student Teacher Interviews


A reminder for parents of students studying a Unit 4 subject to book Parent Student Teacher Interviews via compass. Interviews will take place after school on Monday 12th July between 4pm – 7pm.


These are the last official Parent Student Teacher Interviews for our current year 12 students.



Please enjoy the winter school holidays and take some time to rest and recover.