Year 5/6 Term Overview

Dear Year 5/6 Families,


Welcome back to Term 3! We hope all our families had a wonderful break. Our students have come back well rested and ready to learn, which is great to see. Below you will find the curriculum outline of Term 3 for the subject areas of Reading, Writing, Maths and Inquiry.



In Reading this term your child will be using a range of strategies to summarise non-fiction texts. They will learn to identify the difference between important and interesting parts of information, find what information is relevant to their topic and use that to generate questions to help further their understanding of a topic. Students will also explore different types of non-fiction texts. These skills will help them to research and write creative information reports in Writing. Comprehension strategies we will be looking at this term include; questioning, summarising, inferring and asking questions. 



In Writing, students will be planning and researching for information reports and writing these up in a traditional format and in an unconventional format. Their focus will be on organisation, which ensures these elements are done in a logical way, and how they set out their ideas and structure their piece. Year 5 and 6 students will be focusing on their writing conventions (spelling, punctuation and grammar) when completing descriptive pieces and will be using the editing and revising process to complete this. They will use poetry and songs to develop their sentence fluency and analyse the effect that sentence length, sentence beginnings and types of sentences have on their writing.  



In Mathematics this term, we will continue to work on building the big idea of fractional thinking. Students will be learning about 12 and 24 hour time and how to convert, solve problems and navigate timetables. After this students will be revisiting place value, specifically decimal numbers, with a focus on comparing, ordering and representing decimals. Later in the term students will move into common fractions where they will compare, order and operate with fractions using addition and subtraction. Following this unit students will revisit the various operations and the order of operations within problems. Finally students will be revisiting financial maths where they will use the different operations to create simple financial plans and relate it back to the big idea of fractional thinking. 



In Term 3 students will be working under the theme of ‘Our Land, our stories and significant Australian Events’ They will be broadening their understanding of Australian Indigenous languages, peoples, cultures and histories. Students will be focusing on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ connection to Country, and how this has been impacted by colonisation. In the area of ‘Health’ students will be identifying and analysing influences in an individual’s life that shapes their identity. Under ‘Civics and Citizenship’ students will be further developing their understanding of Australia’s Democratic System.