Principal Report

Welcome back to Term 3 everyone. 


I had been enjoying meeting some of you at the gates of a morning before we went into lockdown. It has been a challenging start but I would like to commend you all for how well you slipped back into the routines of remote learning and were able to be flexible with the change to our student led conferences. 


Student Led Conferences

Feedback from our student led conferences has been so positive. Thank you. It is such a privilege to hear the students speak about their own learning and to begin to take some ownership over that. We are looking to build student motivation to learn and for them to understand the purpose of the learning and how to take steps towards managing some of their own learning and goal setting. It is such a powerful skill for students to have and really supports growth in learning. If you have any questions or queries about your child’s learning please contact the classroom teacher. I want to congratulate both the teachers and students for making this so successful. 






Every family should have received a copy of Wominjeka, the story of the school and its symbols. Ian returned last week and together we presented the books to the classrooms and were able to talk to the students about some of those symbols and their importance. I was so glad that Ian and I were able to spend some time together to chat about the school and its culture and were able to speak to the students together and they were able to see how much we respected and supported each other. 



New Buildings

Brianna and I went onsite for an inspection of our new buildings. They are on track for completion and look amazing. We can’t wait to share them with you. We have also had the Science Lab fitted with the appropriate equipment and it too, looks fabulous. We have also been able to procure several additional features which were not in the original plan such as an additional bike shed, a large landscaped sandpit and shade sail, a parkour obstacle course and three additional shade structures for everyone to sit under.  It is very exciting!



We will attempt to keep you as up to date as possible with our return to onsite learning as soon as we can. Please continue to check Compass for any updates.


I really hope we get to see you all again face to face next week. Take care and do something nice for your self even though we are in lockdown. 


Tami-Jo Richter

Acting Principal