Leader of Student Wellbeing 

Year 7 and 8

Peer Support

For young people, relationships with peers, siblings, teachers and carers can be a wonderful source of support but at the same time, fraught with challenges. Even the strongest of relationships is not immune to the emotional roller coaster of human interactions. In the Peer Support program, students discuss skills for effective communication including empathy, listening and responding. One of the biggest temptations for many of us in relationships is to jump to conclusions about the words and actions of others. Some of us have a tendency to automatically assume untruths, like, we’re to blame, we’re not liked or people are talking about us. Students are encouraged to consider what is happening for others and to avoid unhelpful thoughts about themselves. If necessary students can ask questions to ascertain unknowns rather than invent their own worst case scenario. By addressing interactions in this way we can diffuse strong emotions and resolve or even avoid further issues. This approach also applies to online interactions and behaviour. The program has now finished, with both the year 10 leaders and year 7 students in agreement on the importance of the program.


Year 10

Peer Support Mentors

Many thanks to the 53 year 10 students who capably managed small groups of 8-9 year 7 students over the course of 8 weeks in the Peer Support Program. The senior students themselves developed their own leadership and organisational skills during the program.


Year 11 and 12

Elevate Education

Elevate Education delivered two hour sessions to Year 11 and 12 students this week on study skills. Their workshops involved motivating students by teaching study skills, time management and exam preparation. Student evaluation has always been overwhelmingly positive in the benefits students have felt and the confidence they have developed. The seminar are an important tool and resource for senior students as they embark on exams in Term 3 and 4.

Elevate Education Website


Uniform supplies are available from Lowes in Peel Street. Please support the College policy on winter uniform requirements. A tie must be worn with long sleeve shirts and for girls when wearing the skirt navy tights are to be worn, not socks. For the sports uniform, branded tracksuit pants with logos are not permitted.


Pastoral Care Team

Each year group has a Leader of Student Care. The best way to contact a Leader of Student Care is through the College Office email mccadmin@arm.catholic.edu.auor by direct email to the relevant year leader.


Year 7 - Mrs Fiona O'Neill foneill@arm.catholic.edu.au

Year 8 - Mr Damian Kenniff dkenniff@arm.catholic.edu.au

Year 9 - Mrs Melissa Bearup mbearup@arm.catholic.edu.au 

Year 10 - Mr Bernie Williams bwilliams1@arm.catholic.edu.au

Year 11 - Mr Jonathan Dean jdean1@arm.catholic.edu.au (Acting)

Year 12 - Mrs Melissa Lees mlees@arm.catholic.edu.au 

College Psychologists mccthrive@arm.catholic.edu.au


Mrs Sharon Stuart - Leader of  Student Wellbeing
