Environmental Council 

Term 3 has given the Environmental Council many opportunities to help the integrity of our environment. The Council is currently working in conjunction with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) staff and students for NAIDOC Week. To help mentor groups plant their own tree along the fence line of the school grounds in response to this year's NAIDOC theme, ‘Heal Country’. In preparation for the NAIDOC Week activities, the Environmental Council Executive and ATSI staff and students, as well as Mr Leu have been supervising the planting processes to ensure that plants' have the best chance of survival. To aid the plants in their survival, the Council was very busy in their latest meeting with a production line flowing, pumping out 38 tree guards within 20 minutes.


The Environmental Council would like to thank the groundskeepers Mr Herden and Mr Welsh for their support and in particular for helping with the NAIDOC celebrations and activities.

The Environmental Council strives to promote environmental wellness and encourage wildlife within the school grounds and plan to continue the Frog Hotel project. The students have begun the process of designing the arrangements of the pipes and painting them to create a more homely environment for the frogs. As well, they are continuing to collect paper from the recycling bins in classrooms and shred them for the Regeneration Project and for the planting of the trees for NAIDOC Week. 


 Protecting and helping our environment is vital for the betterment of our environment. By contributing you can ensure a better lifestyle for ourselves and our wildlife. Come and join the Environmental Council to help the sustainability of our world!


Georgina Yip - Environmental Council Communications Officer