Specialists' News

Library, Science, Visual Arts, P.E


Welcome back everyone.  Science is an exciting way to investigate our curiosity about the world around us and finding questions to our wonderings through the scientific method.


This term students have been enjoying our new space. We spent the first week getting to know each other and what being a scientist is and how a scientist thinks about the world around them. The first half of the term we will be focusing on  our inquiry skills, before  commencing into our biology units.  


Science Timetable

Foundation - Monday

Junior School - Tuesday

Middle A Tuesday

Middle B - Monday 

Senior School - Monday


Mrs Emma Sceberras

Visual Arts

Welcome to 2022 in the Art room! Our year has begun with an explosion of colour and creativity with all year levels demonstrating Excellence in the work they have created so far. 

Visual Arts is broken down into 8 units which are taught over a 2 year cycle (except for Foundation). These units are Elements of Art, Modelling, Construction, Textiles, Printmaking, Drawing, Painting and Collage. Throughout each unit, students make artworks using different materials, techniques and process to express their ideas, observations and imaginations. Students describe artworks they make and view including where and why artworks are made and viewed. 


Please see below for what each year level is working on this term.

Foundation - Drawing and Painting

Junior School - Printmaking

Middle School - Elements of Art

Senior School - Painting


A few reminders:

Please make sure you have sent a CLEARLY NAMED art smock along to school with your child. Thank you if you have done this already. 

We are ALWAYS looking for plastic trays to use as paint pallets. Please thoroughly wash these and send them along to school. 


Art Timetable

Foundation - Thursday

Junior School - Tuesday

Middle School - Tuesday

Senior School - Monday


Mrs Bec Bertrand


Physical Education

Students at Kilsyth Primary School have made a wonderful start to physical education this year, demonstrating our school values with pride. Being active outdoors during the hot weather means we have had to show a lot of resilience. It has been fantastic to see students continue to do their best despite being uncomfortable. All students have also been encouraged to wear appropriate clothing to PE including shorts/skirt and t-shirt on hot days and ensure they are bringing a drink bottle to school.


The foundation and junior students have begun a unit of study on locomotive skills, learning effective running techniques, dodging and leaping and being able to use these skills in a variety of games. I have been extremely impressed with every student’s ability to refine their leaping technique over the past week.


Middle students have commenced a four-week volleyball program with Amelia from Maroondah Volleyball. They have begun practicing the skills used in a volleyball game including passing, setting, hitting and serving.


This week in PE all senior students were involved in a lacrosse lesson with Blake from Lacrosse Australia. This was a relatively unknown sport to the senior students and it was great to see everyone trying their best at learning some new skills and using some new equipment. Blake will be running lacrosse lessons during senior PE for the next 3 weeks.

It has also been exciting for the senior students to commence interschool sport last Friday. We hosted Manchester Primary School and had teams in basketball, tennis and cricket.


P.E Timetable

Foundation - Monday 

Junior School - Monday

Middle School - Wednesday

Senior School - Wednesday


Mrs Kate Brooks


It is excited that we are now including Library as part of our weekly Specialist Program. In Library, we will be returning, browsing and borrowing books for our school Book Boxes and also for home reading. We will be learning about the Dewey Decimal System and how to shelve picture story books, fiction books and non-fiction books. We will also use this time to respond to texts in a range of different formats using question prompts, visuals and free time writing. 

Please ensure you have sent a CLEARLY NAMED library bag along with your child to their class. This may be as simple as a reusable shopping bag or a book folder purchased from uniform shops. 


Library Timetable

Foundation - Thursday

Junior School - Friday

Middle A - Monday

Middle B - Tuesday

Senior School - Thursday