Senior School News

Term 1


By Hayley


Hi and welcome to Senior. This year we are learning AUSLAN and it's going brilliantly. We have been doing really good work. We have already learnt the alphabet and colours. We are really enjoying it! Also, it's really fun to learn something very new to us this year.

The lady that teaches us is called Paula. She is really nice. We always look forward to our AUSLAN lessons and can't wait to find out what we are learning each week! 


By Isabelle


We've had a splediferous start to our Term 1 interschool sports. Just to clarify, out sports this term are: cricket, girls basketball, mixed basketball, and hot shots tennis. 

The first match was against Manchester Primary School. They were a very nice school with some really nice teachers. Basketball girls won, 36 to 18. Esther received the Community Sports Certificate. For mixed basketball, we lost and Michael received the Community Sports Certificate. In tennis we won with three scores of 6-2. Brock received the Community Sports Certificate. In cricket they had another training session as Manchester didn't have a cricket team. We are pumped for our next round!