Foundation News
Welcome to Foundation!
What a fantastic start to 2022 we have had. It has been lovely to see the beaming smiles on each student as they build confidence at school. It has been a big change for most, but we are learning and developing our daily routines and expectations.
We have been working on learning and practicing how we show excellence, resilience and respect while at school. The whole of Foundation have received an abundance of feathers and stickers for their respectful behaviours over the past few weeks.
I am looking forward to getting to know each student and family more over this term.
Foundation Specialist Timetable (term 1)
Monday: Science, PE and Show & Tell (news).
If your child would like to bring something small to share at school, please make sure it is named.
Tuesday: PMP (once a fortnight)
Wednesday: NO SCHOOL - Assessment day (until the week beginning 14th March)
Thursday: Art, Library & Buddies (once a fortnight).
Foundation Learning
The students have done an amazing job at jumping into our classroom learning.
In literacy groups over the past week we have been working on our fine motor skills by manipulating play dough, threading beads, using our scissors and much more. We have also been able to set our reading goals, we are focusing on using our fingers to point to each word while reading.
In Maths this week we have been looking at the days of the week. We have practiced singing/saying them in order, finding them on a calendar, identifying different activities we do on each day of the week and have began identifying what day was yesterday and tomorrow. I encourage you to have this conversation daily with your child as this will help to consolidate their understanding of the week.
Parent Helpers
A notice will be coming home in the next week or so about parent helpers in the classroom. We would love to have some parents help with reading and magic word practice within the classroom.
If you would like to come and help in the Foundation classroom you will need a valid working with children's check and vaccination certificate. Please make sure you provide a copy to Janine in the office.