Deputy Principals' Report

Mrs Mee Lin Liau

Deputy Principal - Intensive English Centre 

Evans Intensive English Centre (IEC) is thankful that all students are safe at the moment, from the scourge of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Teachers have been working diligently and creatively on delivering the Intensive English Program via Google Classrooms and working towards interactive Microsoft Teams short lessons in the near future. When faced with great challenges, Evans IEC staff strive to meet the needs of students with learning and wellbeing via intensive professional learning alongside trialling new skills learnt.


Surprisingly, enrolments are still trickling in with transfers, family migration and permanent skills visas. The enrolment at the IEC stands at 73 with two families waiting for online English assessments.


Students are prodding on with online lessons and hard copy learning packages but always bright eyed with happy chats when the IEC meets weekly on Tuesday mornings for an IEC Assembly.


The following is a speech by a reserved speaker who rose to the occasion on the screen when challenged:


My name is Renee. At the start of this term, we were told that we needed to learn at home because of lock down. I felt a bit worried because I was not quite sure how I could get support from the teachers or ask questions if I didn’t know something. 
But lucky, the teachers gave me great support during this time and encouraged me to ask for help on Google classroom. They also kept following up with my mum about my study progress. Now I have more confidence to participate more in Google classroom. Fortunately, I received the treats from the school in week four of the term. I was really happy to get the meal. 


With such encouragements from the students, the staff of Evans IEC will continue to write our history with surviving the 2021 COVID-19 lockdown. We will come out stronger and more determined to keep the flame burning.


M L Liau

Deputy Principal

Evans Intensive English Centre