Principal's Report
Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff
Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers
Principal's Report
Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff
Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers
We, the ETRS Community, relished in the opportunity to truly partner in the development of programs, goals and when sharing information at our recent Student Led Conferences. We’d like to thank everyone for the preparation and participation that led to a very successful day. With nearly 100% attendance on the day, this was by far the highest participation rate we have ever had. The feedback from parents, students and staff was overwhelmingly positive. The opportunity to set learning goals together for your child’s future learning was a valuable experience ensuring that every child in our school now has their own Individual Education Plan.
Curriculum Day / Pupil Free Day -Monday 9 August. No students are required at school on this day. Our staff will be learning more about Professional Learning Communities, SWPBS and more.
Parent Opinion Survey
The DET annual Parent Opinion Survey is now open and will remain open until the 22nd of August. Our school highly values the opinions of our parents and carers. Your responses assist our school to identify areas for improvement, plan for the future and also monitor our performance over time. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, student engagement and experiences of remote and flexible learning. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
Approximately 30 per cent of parents will be invited to participate in this year’s survey and it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. All responses to the survey are anonymous.
If you are randomly selected, an envelope will be sent home with your child containing the school pin and the website enabling you to access the survey.
Something to brighten up our day 😊 The new playground construction has been completed. Our students are enjoying recess times on the equipment.
We have a number of students wearing black or coloured bottoms and non-uniform jumpers (eg. track suit pants, shorts or leggings, hoodies or jumpers) to school. Please ensure your child is in correct uniform each day. This includes navy blue bottoms and the tops with the school logo on it. Staff will be making phone calls home to establish if you require support with uniform so, please don't hesitate to contact us first. We can help where needed. Don’t forget we have a second-hand uniform shop here at school that can be accessed too.
Foundation 2022 Enrolments
All enrolment documents are available to download from our website. You may also contact the school and we can send the information to you via email or the post.
If you know of any families who are interested in enrolling, please ask them to contact the school. Thank you to our families who are getting the good word out in the community about our school, word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising and consequently, we are fielding an increased number of inquiries about our school.
Unfortunately, until the health advice changes, we are unable to do school tours. Fingers crossed these change soon.
Mobile Phones
Recently, there has been an increased number of students bringing mobile phones to school. Mobile phones / iPhone watches are banned in schools across Victoria. If mobile phones are needed, students must hand them to their teacher or the office at the start of the day where they will be safely secured and returned at the end of the day. If mobile phones are not handed in by students, they will be confiscated, and parents will be required to come to school and pick them up.
PJ Day
Tomorrow, our students and staff will be raising money for the Pyjama Foundation who support children who are living in out of home care. Students are encouraged to wear warm clothes under their pyjamas and school shoes are also encouraged as everything is very wet at the moment. We kindly ask that all students participating donate gold coin on the day. Everyone is looking forward to a day in their PJs!
100 Days of School
Our Foundation students are celebrating 100 days of school. You may see some very old looking Foundation students today, that’s because they are 100! Congratulations on reaching 100 fabulous days of school Preps, we hope you have a lovely day!
Glasses for Kids Program
Many of our students accessed the Glasses for Kids program this week. We’d like to thank the organisation for providing such an important service to our school. If your child, participated in this program, you will soon be contacted.
Athletics Carnival
3 - 6 Friday 12 August
P - 2 Tuesday 17 August
How exciting it is that we can run the School Athletics Carnival here at ETRS on the dates mentioned above. Please remember to make sure your child/ren are dressed in their house colours. If you are unsure what house your child is in, please contact the teacher. T-Shirts can be purchased from the office at a cost of $10.00 should your child need one. Unfortunately, parents/carers are unable to be on-site to watch the carnival. Have a great day student's and simply do your best.
Happy Principal's Day Friday 6 August
HAPPY PRINCIPALS (A.P) DAY Anthea. Enjoy the day :) from Julie / staff / students and the community. Your work, relationships, time and input is invaluable to ETRS. We truly do thank you for all that you do!
School Wide Positive Behaviour Update
This Week's Behaviour Focus
Our Value focus this week is Responsibility – I will keep my hands, feet and objects to myself.
Respect, Inclusion, Responsibility, Resilience, (Academic Excellence)
Stay Safe.
Julie Hommelhoff Anthea Mathers
Acting Principal Assistant Principal