Art - Ms Plackett

Welcome to Term 3

What a start it has been! For those of you who are new to Trinity this year, my name is Ms Anna Plackett. I have been away from Trinity for a year, whilst I had a baby. His name is George, he is now 13 months old and loves to “roar” like a dinosaur! I am the new Visual Arts teacher and am very much looking forward to helping you develop your artistic skills, think BIG and watch your creativity blossom!

This term, the whole school Visual Arts theme is “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds”. The P/1 students will learn new painting techniques, such as Flicking, Printing and Stamping as they investigate planets and design creatures from ‘Other Worlds’ using clay. 

The Grade 2/ 3 students will learn how to make paint, using natural materials such as: soil; vegetables and plants. They will explore the meaning behind ancient Aboriginal cave paintings and how these artists used drawings and engravings to commemorate people and events. 

The Grade 4/5/6 students will focus on the concept of “New Worlds”. They will investigate and argue whether Street Art and Graffiti are forms of expression, or acts of vandalism. Students will learn about the different techniques used by famous street artists such as Banksy and Keith Haring, like stencilling, tagging, imagery and lettering. 

For the time being, I will see you all online. Stay safe and keep smiling.