2/3UR - Student Led Conferences

Ms Rivas

This week the student’s in 2/3 UR worked on their Student Led Conference slide shows. They used Google Slides to design and develop a portfolio of some of their learning over the last semester. The students took pictures of all the activities they took part in and wrote captions under each picture describing what they learnt. They included the work they did for Maths, Reading, Writing, R.E, Inquiry and a specialist subject. They learned to use their tech skills of inserting text, images, and links to complete their slide show.  Students enjoyed looking back at all their hard work and are very excited to share it with their parents and carers.


Chloe: “I loved to look over all my learning and see how I have grown”








Christian: “It was fun to use my computer skills to take pictures of my work this year”









Natalie: “I learned how to change my font on my slideshow to make it look interesting”









Aris: “It was fun to look back at everyone’s learning this semester and see how much we learnt”