School Chaplain
Term 2
School Chaplain
Term 2
From the Chaplain
One of my past positions was a Parent Resource Worker at Reach Out for Kids, for a period of five years. I would like to share this invaluable resource we used with all parents, grandparents, foster parents, step parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years of age. There are guides on topics like bedwetting, television viewing, pocket money, and many more.
These tips are practical, easy to understand and supportive of your role as parents and caregivers, and cover every aspect of parenting. I have used them both personally and professionally and highly recommend them, and would appreciate your feedback as to how helpful you find them.
I am happy to chat to families about the tip sheet below, or any other matter that you would like to discuss in relation to your child and family. I can be contacted at Mullum on Thursdays and Fridays, and my email address is
Marg Patching