Physical Education/Sport

Sporting Schools – Athletics Resources
This term Mullum Primary received a $3000 grant from Sporting Schools towards the development of our athletics program. Below is a picture of some of the resources we purchased which will be used during our school athletics unit for all students – we are still waiting for the delivery of the remainder of the equipment. Mrs Pumpa completed an Athletics Coaching course with the latest up to date knowledge plus we received athletics curriculum material from Athletics Australia for teachers to use with their students.
House Athletics Carnival
Our whole school athletics carnival will be held at Proclamation Park on Thursday 5 August (week 4 of Term 3) with a back up date of Thursday 12 August. If you are available to assist with the Carnival between 9.15am and 1pm for Grades 3 to 6, or between 10.30am and 1pm for Foundation to Grade 2 students, please email Mrs Pumpa – your help will be greatly appreciated by staff and students! An information and permission notice will be emailed to all families via Compass this week.
Installation of new Basketball Tower
This week we had our basketball court completed! Our court (not under the shelter) now has two basketball towers for our students to use. This means we will now be able to hold interschool sport basketball matches again. Enjoy!!
Downball Australia Tournament
A message from the organisers -
Hi Downball Fanatics,
Today we are very sad to make the following announcement...Due to uncertainty surrounding density quotas and indoor sport governmental approvals, it is with great sadness that we are announcing the cancellation of Downball Australia's first ever official tournament. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause for many of you that have signed up or were planning to take part, but hope that you remain keen to partake in future Downvall Australia events to come!
For those who have paid for a ticket, we will issue full refunds soon - stay posted for more details regarding that.
Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instragram and Youtube under the name 'Downball Australia' to make sure you don't miss out on all Downball related content!
Keep playing!
Andrew & Nathan
Downball Australia
Division Cross Country
The Division Cross Country has a new date of Monday 19 July (week 2 of Term 2). All other details remain the same. Visit the link below to stay informed. We have not been informed of the need for emergencies as yet. Good luck to our cross country team – Kade, Caden, Annie, Henry, Samuel, Emma and Hailey.
Eastern Region Cross Country (EMR)
The EMR Cross Country will be run on Thursday 22 July. Students qualify for this event through successful placing in the Division Cross Country.
- Thursday 5 August - Whole School House Athletics Carnival at Proclamation Park. All students from Foundation to Grade 6 will be involved in this event. Parent helpers needed for this event.
- Thursday 12 August – back up day for whole school House Athletics Carnival
- Monday 8 November to Friday 12 November - Whole School Swimming Program at Aquanation. Students will be transported by bus and supervised by Mullum teachers.
- Monday 19 July (new date) – Division Cross Country at Yarra Glen Racecourse. For qualifying students via District XC. Parent/guardian supervision and transport required.
- Thursday 22 July - Eastern Metropolitan Region Cross Country at Yarra Glen Racecourse. For qualifying students via Division XC. Parent/guardian supervision and transport required.
- TBA – State Cross Country (TBC) at Bundoora Park. For qualifying students via EMR XC. Parent/guardian supervision and transport required.
- Thursday 2 September – Warrandyte South District Athletics Carnival at Bill Sewart Aths Track. For all Grade 5/6 students plus qualifying Grade 4 students via House Aths carnival. All students will be transported by bus and supervised by Mullum teachers. Back up dates: 7th Sept, 9th Sept, 13th Sept.
- Thursday 7 October – Maroondah/Manningham Divisions Athletics Carnival at Bill Sewart Aths Track. For qualifying students via District Aths carnival. Parent/guardian transport and supervision required.
- Thursday 21 October - Eastern Metropolitan Athletics Carnival for qualifying students via the Division Aths carnival. Parent/guardian transport and supervision required.
- Thursday 11 November – State Athletics Carnival at Lakeside for qualifying students via EMR competition. Parent/guardian transport and supervision required.
Please note: Dates may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Further information will be provided closer to the dates. If you have any questions about these events, please email me through Compass or call the office.
Fiona Pumpa