This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
This was the message I reminded our students about following a lovely prayer service our Year Fives lead for our school community on Friday afternoon. Advent, the time of waiting for Jesus to come at Christmas officially commenced yesterday.
I encourage all families to find the time to celebrate Advent and the coming of Jesus over the next few weeks leading up to Christmas.
Students' Christmas Kindness
This year, as in the past few, we will be encouraging the students to participate in the tradition of Krist Kindl -an act of kindness and gift exchange tradition that has its roots in early Christmas traditions. Originally, Kris Kringle was derived from 'Christkindl', the German word for Christ Child.
Each child will be given a name in their classes on Wednesday or Thursday this week. They are to keep this person's name a secret until the 'reveal' and gift-giving on the last day of school - Friday 16th December (Thurs 15 for Yr 6s). Until then students are asked to do random acts of kindness and place 'warm and fuzzy' notes addressed to their KK in the box in their classroom. Please note that the final gift should cost approximately $5, and no more than $8. Should you have any questions please see your child's class teacher.
While the final gift giving and receiving is an exciting time, the true benefit is in giving random acts of kindness for your chosen person.
St Vinnies' Christmas Appeal
This year we are spreading Christmas cheer a little differently! As a school, we are hoping to bring smiles to the faces of children and families on Christmas Day by providing them with some yummy food and gift vouchers to buy a special toy to pop under the Christmas Tree. Each year level will select a toy, and will raise the money to buy a voucher for the chosen toy - a gold coin donation per student will help us reach that goal. We will also have a hamper in the front office for you to place any of the following items.
- Tin of leg ham 454gm
- 2 tins of vegetables each 425gm
- Packet of shortbread biscuits
- Christmas pudding 400gm
- Fruit cake or Christmas cake 700gm
- Long life custard carton 1 litre
- 2 small packets jelly crystals
- Packet of Shapes biscuits
- Packet of lollies (not chocolate please)
- 2 tins fruit 425 gm
All donations of gift vouchers and food will be given to St Vinnies to distribute to needy families in our local community. Please bring in the money and food donations before Wednesday 7th December.
Thank you for supporting such a worthy cause.
Grace & Lucie (Social Justice Captains)
Parents and Friends AGM / Break Up Meeting
Tuesday 29th November @ 7:30pm
Help celebrate a year full of great events and success for the P&F and our community!
The purpose of this meeting is to not only briefly discuss and celebrate what has been achieved in this year but more importantly thank those who have helped along the way.
It is also a chance for us to get together and share our plans and your ideas to kickstart a great year for our community in 2023.
Please see attached link to sign up for roles/events next year :
Swimming Wrap Up
Our swimming program finished on Friday for our Prep - Yr 4 students. Certificates of Achievement will be coming home shortly. I was extremely proud of the attitude and learning displayed by all of our students who participated in the swimming program.
School Closure Day next Monday 5 December
A further reminder that our School Closure Day for 2023 Planning is Monday 5 December - this is a student free day (Camp Australia is available for those who require care).
School Fees 2023
Please find attached St James Fee Structure and Parent Handbook for 2023.
During November, the St James lads will be raising funds and awareness this Movember for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives but we need your help.
Josh Crowe, Daniel Egan, Tim Flintoff, Dave Mutimer and James Sweatman started the month clean shaven and will slowly grow out their magnificent mos over the course of the month. If you'd like to donate to this worthy cause, visit our team page at:
We will have an updated photo in next week's newsletter.
A few more updates:
- A reminder to please settle your school fee accounts by the end of this month.
- Please remind your children of our mobile phone/smart watch procedures. Mobile phones need to be handed in before 9am to the office and collected when school finishes. Devices are locked away in the office during the day. Smart watches need to be switched to 'school mode'.
- The post box to the North Pole has arrived at St James! Everyone is invited to post their letter to Santa. You'll find it right near the main office.
- Don't forget to ask your children to check 'Lost Property for any items you may be missing. It's a good time to check that everything is named clearly. Any items left at the end of term are washed and given to the second hand stall.
- Don't forget to come along to: 11:15am Mass at St John's this Sunday to welcome our 2023 Prep families.
- All families are invited to be at St John's Church on Thursday 8 December to our Thanksgiving Mass at 7:00pm.
- We will let you know when our order of small sizes of sports tops arrive (especially for those students in grade 1, 2023) - stay tuned.
- All current and past parents and students are invited to our farewell assembly for Mrs Foster as she retires from St James, on Tuesday 13 December, 1.30pm followed by afternoon tea.
Enjoy the week ahead.