Principal's Report

Report from our Principal: Duncan Arendse

Dear Parents, Friends and Father Arsenio,


What a huge success the Colour Run turned out to be. I am most appreciative of the efforts of all concerned. Lauren Cefai our incoming P&F president has set a high bar for future efforts. The success of this and other fund raising efforts this year means that we have easily covered the target of providing the playground markings and picnic benches that will now be purchased and spread around the school.  Thank you again.

Classes and staffing are almost set for next year. As you can imagine it is always challenging to staff a school our size. Thankfully despite a few minor changes we have managed to do this. I would hope to set out the class teachers in the next newsletter.


Thanks to Ben and Kate who have assisted in getting the video link out for our Production, 'The Spirit of Broadway.' Hopefully this will provide you and your family with a little Christmas entertainment.


Excursions and outings are continuing in earnest for our students. Please keep an eye on the calendar to ensure that your child is dressed appropriately depending on the activity.


Lastly, we are having some painting carried out in readiness for some classroom shifts. The Library will be shifting to the Multi Media Room (the building closest to the entrance) and the Art Room will be shifting next door to the Performing Arts Room.


Have a good week

