From the Deputy Principal

Jason Fay

Reconnection Community Afternoon

Please join us for a time of reconnection THIS Friday 11th November from 3.30-5.30pm. Visit your child/children’s classroom, chat with their teacher and connect as a community. Teachers will be in classrooms until 4.00pm and then gather near the back gate/COLA to chat with families and hand out Zooper Doopers! Classrooms will remain open until 5.30 for parents to visit. There will be big games on the courts for children to enjoy as you connect with each other. 


Please note, there will be no courts parking for the afternoon. Please park at the big park and enter and leave the school through the back gate. If parking near Audrey Ave be aware of parking restrictions and the effect on kiss and drop traffic. The pedestrian gates of the driveway will remain open for access to the school also.  See you there!


Jason Fay | Deputy Principal