
A Pageant for Every Tribe and Language and People and Nation 

‘You have made them to be a kingdom…’ Revelation 5:10 


The annual Christmas Pageant is back in Adelaide’s streets this Saturday after a couple of years. You taking a look?  There are 79 floats, bands and dance troops.  A scan of the float names reveals a kaleidoscope of colour, sound and diversity.  Nellie and her Bollywood Wedding, Kaurna Yerta Yityuko Wornindo (Kaurna Country Christmas) and the Adelaide Irish and Adelaide Highlands Pipe Bands to name a few.


Leading Happy Elf, Nipper & Nimble and Santa Claus in the Stardust Castle is a Nativity Float near the front telling the story of the first Christmas. It’s quite striking with a cute baby Jesus being adored by his parent’s Mary and Joseph with sheep, shepherds, camels and wisemen in tow.  It’s fitting that there is still a nod to what got Christmas started.  The gift of Jesus is why we have gifts.  Each Angel reflects those who sung to the shepherds on fields of Bethlehem at his arrival.  Every bright sparkly light reminds us of the star that guided the wisemen to worship him.


More can be seen to be going on though.  The diversity of the Christmas Pageant fits with the book of Revelation at the end of the Bible.  Revelation tells us that the good news of Jesus is for ‘every tribe and language and people and nation’ (Revelation 5:6-14).  It proclaims that Jesus’ life drained out in his blood spilt for us on the cross is so that we can be part of God’s kingdom.  No one is excluded when they believe this and allow Jesus to start directing the pageant of their lives.  You taking a look? 


Prayer:  Thank you Lord Jesus that you lived, died and rose for every tribe and language and people and nation.  Grow us in faith in you this Christmas.  In your name.  Amen.


Submitted by Pastor Matthew Bishop