Assistant Principal's Report

Leasyl Richards - Curriculum

18th November 2022

2023 School Captains and Vice -Captains

This week I had the honour of announcing the 2023 School and Vice Captains.  A huge congratulations to our new School Captains - Abigail X. and Aiden E., and our new Vice Captains - Elisa N. and Lucas W.. This is a wonderful achievement for those students who we know will represent our school with pride.  

Elisa, Abi, Aiden, Lucas
Elisa, Abi, Aiden, Lucas

ICAS Medal Winners

Last week at Assembly we were very excited to present two of our students with ICAS medals. These students achieved the highest score of any students in Victoria.





Congratulations to Anna K. from 4SO who received a medal for Year 4 Writing.











Congratulations to Shawn S. from 5FP who received a medal for Year 5 Digital Technologies.










Last Thursday, four Year 6 students and four Year 5 students  travelled by train to Docklands to participate in the first ever Victorian Coding Challenge that was held in person. We had to complete three challenges which we were marked on. These challenges involved decrypting ciphers in both Caesar and Vigenere, and logical thinking in Scratch. After the challenges were completed the Year 6 team were awarded 4th place and the Year 5 team was awarded 2nd place! We received a $75 electronic gift card at GamesWorld each. WHPS also received a special mention from the hosts, the MAV (Mathematical Association of Victoria) because both WHPS teams remained in the top 3 for most of the day and were both secured in the top 5.  Overall, we had a great experience travelling past the city and being challenged in the competition.  We can't wait to go there again next year.

Year 5 team - Lucas, Billy, Focus and Shawn

Year 6 team - Harold, Brandon, Ethan and Tristan. 

Soft plastics

Many of you will have seen on the news last week the collapse of REDcycle. REDcycle is the company who have the collection bins at Coles and Woolies who then provide soft plastics to companies who recycle the soft plastic to create products.  At the moment we are still collecting soft plastic separately in our classrooms so we can still monitor the amount of soft plastic that is brought into the school. Unfortunately this is now going to then be added to our landfill. Hopefully in the near future a solution to this problem is established by state and federal governments and we can continue with this aspect of our sustainable program.  A huge thank you to Sophia in Year 2 and her mum who have been helping to take the soft plastics to Coles each week. 

School Pride

A huge thank you to 2MF who headed outside in the cold this week to tidy up the yard.

Water Saving tips


Leasyl Richards